Baptised members of the Church are encouraged to participate in the liturgy actively. Some are called to undertake particular liturgical roles (such as those listed below) to assist the Priest throughout the celebration of the Mass. If you would like to know more about upcoming training or what is required, please email the Parish office. Sacristans - makes sure that all of the preparations are made for the celebration of the Eucharist.Altar servers - help the Priest throughout the liturgy. Anyone who has received their First Holy Communion and is trained can be an altar server. Choir - help the people to respond through music and song during the Mass. Lectors/Commentators - readers or lectors play an important role in the Liturgy of the Word as they proclaim and share the Word of God with the people gathered. Commentators read the Welcome Introduction at the beginning of mass and Prayers of the Faithful Extraordinary Ministers - assist the Priest to prepare and distribute the bread and wine to the people during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They also take the Eucharist to believers who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability. Collectors - move among the people gathered to collect money for the Church and for those in need. Ushers and Greeters - meet and greet people in a welcoming manner as they arrive at the church. Gift bearers - bring up the gifts of bread and wine during the Preparation of the Gifts on our behalf. |