On Sunday 27th of February 2022, the Vietnamese Youth Group (Braybrook) were finally able to meet face-to-face for the first time, since the pandemic. They had a picnic at Canning Reserve, Avondale Heights. Prior to the picnic, they were only able to meet via Zoom. The group caught up with each other, sharing stories and exciting things that happened during lockdown. They bonded over delicious food and games. It was so great to see everyone together again. Special thanks to Sr Michaela, Sr Louise, Fr Rene, Fr Huy, Fr Wilford and Fr Alex who were able to join us on the day.
The Vietnamese Youth Group teach catechism to children every Sunday in Braybrook. If you would like to find out more about being a Youth leader or would like to enrol your children, please contact: Sr Michaela or Jessica Ho-Cardente via the Parish Office email.