On the evening of June 8th, 2023, the Sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated in Our Lady’s Church. There were 30 candidates from St. John’s Primary School (6), Christ the King Primary School (17), and the Parish class (7, for students from non-catholic schools).
For these children, Confirmation is the third of three Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism and First Eucharist being the other two). Confirmation enriches us with the strength of the holy Spirit to build up the Church and be witnesses of Christ to others.
The Confirmation Rites was celebrated by Bishop Martin Ashe, assisted by parish priest Fr Rene Ramirez and assistant priest Fr. Gerald Binegas, in a prayerful and reverent ceremony. The Voices of CTK Choir sang brilliantly and added to the spirit of the occasion.
Let us congratulate and pray for these children, and also take this opportunity to reflect on the Gifts that we have received from the Holy Spirit and how it has impacted our lives.
Congratulations to the children who were confirmed, may they continue to grow in their faith for years to come.