The Congregation of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus is a community of priests and brothers, founded in Italy by St. Hannibal Di Francia. They dedicate their lives to the divine command of Jesus found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke saying:
"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.
Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers
to gather in his harvest” (Mt. 9: 37-38).
They commit themselves to be the very fruits of their prayers by being good laborers in the Lord’s harvest in the world with a wide range of services and ministries.
They lead movements of prayer for the increase of vocations in the Church and, through a variety of publications; they strive to create greater vocation awareness among the people of God. They are involved in the education of youth, the social assistance of the underprivileged, especially children, orphans and the poor.
They are also committed to the parishes and our missions around the world. They came to Australia in 2015 through a parish ministry given by the His Excellency Archbishop Denis Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne at that time assigning the first two Rogationists Priests to the Partnered parishes of Maidstone and Braybrook which later on were amalgamated in 2018.